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The fact that Telegram allows users to create and install their custom theme makes using the service a joy. This is one of my favorite Telegram Messenger tricks. Basically, you can customize your Telegram app to look however you want it to. To create your own theme go to Settings->Chat Settings ->Theme and tap on “Create New Theme”. Here, first add a custom Name of your Theme and then tap OK. You can take a new photo, upload an existing one, search the web for a new image, or remove your current photo. Verification Badges in Chats Read: 8 Most Common Encryption Techniques To Save Private Data
Telegram Change Number Karma Dost: App for improving medication adherence Slow Mode Telegram Messenger Tricks To mute a chat in Telegram, head over to the chat in question. Next, tap the name at the top and then hit the mute button.
Today is an important day in the history of Telegram – marking not only a new milestone, but also the beginning of Telegram's sustainable monetization. We believe that Telegram's development should be driven primarily by its users, not advertisers. This way our users will always remain our main priority. Next, tap Never Share With and then select the people from whom you want to hide your profile.