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Cuban Music Urban / Respaldo

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Reminder on messaging apps has been one of the most sought-after features and finally, you can use it on Telegram. Recently, WhatsApp partnered with to bring Reminders, however, Telegram has implemented this feature natively. Though there is one lingering issue. You can only set reminders in the “Saved Messages” section. Type out the task and tap and hold the “send” button. Here, choose “set a reminder” and pick your date and time. Telegram will send a reminder notification just like Google Calendar or other task management apps. While the feature is good, we would have loved it more had it been available for user chats too. We all have that one person that annoys us by sending too many forwarded messages. Well, Telegram makes it really easy to silence such a contact. Just open the chat and tap on the profile photo of the contact. However, if you haven't moved beyond the basics, you're missing out on a lot of the best Telegram functionality. Below, we detail some lesser-known features of Telegram that you may have overlooked until now.

Scheduled and Silent messages Moreover, as with other Telegram features, you can able to use, replies, mentions, pinned messages, invite links and you can also add bots to your channels and groups. Hide Telegram Profile Photo Telegram allows you to classify all your chats into various folders. This lets you deal with a group of chats at a time and avoid others when they are not important. For instance, you could set a group to include all chats from your work colleagues and another to manage your personal social circle.

Do you know that Telegram offers a handful of readymade app icons so that you can change the look of the icon depending on your home screen layout? Ever since I stumbled upon this hidden Telegram hack, I have been using it to amp up the home screen customization game. If you are also in the same boat, you would find it pretty cool as well. To create a poll in a channel or group, simply select the “Poll” option in the attachment menu. Type in your question, add answer options and choose the configurations that fit your purpose best. Telegram Live Locations and proximity alters (Express Photo) Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts 1b Telegram Messenger Tricks

Telegram offers a few other handy options in chats. You can delete any message by long-pressing it, then hitting the Trash icon that appears. The app lets you delete messages at any time—even messages that the other person sent in a chat. Never Share With: Hide your profile photo from specific people.

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