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Premium users also unlock more ways to react to messages, with over 10 new emoji like 👌😍❤️‍🔥💯 (and the new favorites 🤡🌭🐳). If you like to use dark themes only in the night so that the app doesn’t blind you, enabling auto-night mode can save you a lot of hassle. Once you turn the auto-night mode on, the app will automatically switch to dark mode at the scheduled time. To enable auto-night mode go to Settings-> Chat Settings-> Themes and tap on Auto-Night Mode. Here you can select between Automatic and Scheduled. Read: 7 Best Facebook Alternatives That Keep Your Data Private | 2020 Edition

Now, tap If Inactive For at the bottom of the screen and choose a preferred option like 1 week or 1 month in the popup menu. Unlike mass-market messengers like WhatsApp and Line, Telegram is an open-source app. This means anyone can check the app’s source code, protocol, API, and see how it works and make an informed decision. Bot API: lets you build programs that use Telegram messages for an interface. You don’t need to have knowledge of MTProto encryption protocol. The intermediary server will handle all communication and encryption with Telegram API for you. The Telegram icon on an Honor View 20 on a blue background with a cat and a fish.

This means you can start typing a message on your mobile and continue on your desktop. The draft will remain in the editing area on all sync devices until it is sent or deleted. Is Telegram safe to use? Bots that are integrated into the Attach attachment menu can now also work in groups and channels in addition to one-on-one chats. High-Quality Stickers

In order to protect your personal information, Telegram automatically terminates your old sessions after 6 months. However, you can choose to get rid of the old sessions sooner in order to further boost security. This feature allows you to filter out and put personal chats, channels, groups, contacts in different and customized folders. You can customize folders the way you want, plus there are some additional features. For example, you can have all chats with unread messages automatically added to a folder.

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