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Forwarded from Ukrainian Funsies for English Bunsies (Yemchenko Yukhym)
Canadian taxpayers have unwillingly sponsored a film made in cooperation with russian armed forces about how russian soldiers fighting in a foreign country for money are just victims of circumstances.

The idea of the movie is obviously to make the audience feel pity for the poor russians who are suffering from this war — and that is why we need to stop the fighting at any cost (and give up half of Ukraine to putin to ethnically cleanse, because this is the price he wants us to pay), but what it actually shows us is much more interesting.

What it really shows is people who are ready to kill, murder and die for money. There's no evil to fight, no better world to build, no idea to defend, only a few hundred dollars on the end of the month that are worth more than a human life — mine, yours or their own.

While trying to humanize the russian soldiers, the movie dehumanizes them more than anyone ever could, more than any Ukrainian ever could.

ISIS murders for a twisted idea of their perfect theocracy, the nazis murdered for the idea of their nation ruling the world. The russians have no new order to build and no god to kill for. According to the movie, they murder simply because they have no moral directive not to. When asked by the director what they are killing for, the "heroes" struggle to answer, apparently, because they don't need a reason to kill as long as they don't have any reasons not to kill.

Even serial killers who enjoy murder find it a reason to keep murdering. Most russians don't even have that. They simply don't understand why murder is bad and act surprised when people are mad at them.

As the author of the post writes, the movie doesn't even depict it's "heroes" as animals. In the director's eyes, they are closer to objects. Guns that do not care at whom they are pointed.

And maybe I am a pacifist, because I like seeing guns broken, unable to harm anyone.
Котеки, репости і репости котеків
You should play outer wilds btw
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Хіба футбол головою руссского
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2024/09/30 12:18:33
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