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Thank You Premium users get increased limits for almost everything in the app. With Premium, you can follow up to 1000 channels, create up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats each, add a fourth account to any Telegram app, pin 10 chats in the main list and save up to 10 favorite stickers. Adaptive (Android) or Automatic (iOS): The mode will automatically switch based on the light level around you; you can define the threshold.

Quiz Mode: They have one correct answer and can power anything from public service exams to trivia games. I rode an electric bike to work, and here’s what I learned This update brings improved chat previews on par with iOS. Now you can scroll through them to view the whole chat without marking it as read. New buttons have been added to let you mark the chat as read, mute it, pin it or delete it. If you do not want this to happen and want Telegram to keep running in the background to send you notifications in real-time, you can head over to Settings/ Notifications and Sounds/ Keep Alive Service and turn it on.

Premium Faster Downloads When multiple users share their live location within a group, they’re displayed on an interactive map. To use this feature, choose “location” from the attachment menu and tap on “Share my location for…” Security Another security feature that adds usability is usernames. Instead of giving people your phone number, you can simply give them your username. This gives you better control over what information is out there, and how people can contact you in the future.

Premium Telegram Premium Have you ever needed to change your phone number but worried about transferring all your contacts and other information to the new number? While this can be a lot of work, Telegram does it all for you. You can easily change the phone number attached to your account without losing any of your chats or contacts.

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