There’s no denying the fact that Telegram became as popular as it is because of its focus on privacy. The service not only provides end-to-end encryption on the server-side of the things but also allows users to lock their chats. This is great for safeguarding your personal chats when you are handing out your device to anyone else. {} Uttarakhand resort murder: Amid questions within, BJP may revamp Dhami go...Premium
Launch the Telegram app on your iPhone or Android device -> navigate to the Settings and choose Devices. Schedule Messages Buying a new 5G smartphone? Here’s what to keep in mind However, If you’re still using WhatsApp, Viber, or one of the other messaging app, you may be interested in why Telegram is so popular.
Just like we can share videos with a pre-defined timestamp of YouTube videos, we can do the same thing on Telegram as well. For example, if you are sending a long video and want the user to play it from a specific timestamp say, 1:20, you can just type check the reaction at 1:20 in the video caption. Now when the user taps on the highlighted 1:20 link, the video plays from that particular timestamp. This is a helpful tip for users who send videos on Telegram regularly. Enable Auto-Night Mode Customize the Look of Telegram Next up, tap “Mute for” in the menu and then choose the desired mute duration in the pop-up menu. If you want to choose a custom date and time, tap Mute until and then set the date and time.
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