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    【🎙 The Handsome(st) Guy 】   
ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ     3221th GIGS ❜           ㅤ      
ㅤ  ㅤ   •───────────────•  
       The live music will begin, Mr. Perfectly Fine 〈 Radinaru Bhakti has already on his best style to give the best performance and meet his soulmate. He's waiting for you in front of the stage, ready to give you his introduce

☆ . › ˖ 𝐌use ⨾ Eks member Wannaone bermarga Ong.

★ . › ˖ 𝐒ifat ⨾ Hai! met me, Radinaru Bhakti. Radin for short or u can call me anything u want. I used Ong Seongwu [95L] as my muse. I don't know how to explain about myself, but if you wanna know about me, I'll tell u then. I'm a man who love to sharing about anything. not flexing. I always communicate about anything especially about my feelings. Over-sharing, they always say that.  Absolutely mature, can be your wise  adviser. I'll always try my best to be your supportive boyfriend, i'll stay here 24/7 next to you if u need me. No one can hurt my lady! i will be your shield. Tell me if anyone hurt you, oke? Anyway, I love do brainstorm or be "asbun" hahahaha sorry if i come to be a weird old man. Cowo tengil is me and I have my own cool side and dominant, ofc I have my humorous side like my muse. I used ong because my personality are xoxo like him. But i'm introvert. Aku-nama for my lady and sometimes lu-gua, no offense if I jokes too much and use harsh-word (not that hard actually). My biggest love language are Words Of Affirmation, I love to give more attention from love letter. I try to give more attention and appreciate anything you've done. I'm not a convokiller or dry texter, just try to talk with me bcs sometimes u should trying harder for someone. Then, Receiving Gifts and quality time. I love spending time with my lady with chit chat or playing some game. Nobar? gas. I can spend my time 1 or 2 hours for you. About the gift, I love give some menfess for adoring my perfect lady. Don't be curious bcs I will forward it to you hahahha. I'll give you a love letter from kurir rp or anything what I want to give later. I'm too shy to say that imma needy and clingy, but u should know that I'm not that mature enough sometimes, I need pat pat or more attention from my lady. I really love do any couple things and i'll follow your path. Everyone must know that we are a perfect couple but Tom & Jerry in private. I'm animals lover and i really love some cute thingy hahaha i mean who hate kitten and puppy?! or cube? who hate something smoll and fluffy? bruh!? Next, music taste, I love GreenDay, Blink182, My Chemical Romance, Bring Me The Horizon and many pop rock songs. But, i on all genres, i want to know anything new, so tell me about your favorites too. I'll listen your favorite pop, kpop, jpop, hip hop, dj angkot or funkot, edm or anything that you love!! we will make our random playlist. About movie, i really love anime, don't say wibu bau bawang bcs I always take a shower bro. I love ghibli's movies and another movie. I love watching YouTube, sorry if YouTube are my priority. Last, I'm not a fomo gank about my taste of music and movie. If i love it, i'll watch and listen to it. I don't know what should i write again. Big note, I will treat you like how you treat me and I want to be treated like how i treat you. Maybe that's all about me or only 50% about me. You can know more if you want to find out more. Please, don't expect too much but u can try me if you curious. See you on our private place, my lady.

☆ . › ˖ 𝐊riteria ⨾ A lady who has a positive energy and always spread her positivity to everyone. Who has a soft heart and extrovert. Can be supportive girlfriend and always communicate anything about her to me as her couple. Cute and clingy in private but if she is a tsundere in public it will more fun!! 100% my type. I would feel love if my lady can trust me, share anything to me, trust me as her private therapist, chit chat about random things or spill the tea for me and if she's a humorous person it will be fun! lady who can give a good feedback to me and can be my save places here.
Have a mature side because sometimes imma big baby who craving for attention. I mean, her mature side can lead me to be a better person if I lost myself (sometimes). Head over heels, love to do anything about couple trend. I would love it if she always want me to join any couple things. Maybe that's all about my criteria, I will try to know you more and more. So, don't be shy to be yourself.

★ . › ˖ 𝐏anggilan untuk pasangan ⨾ Dede, ade, cantiku, special nickname.
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🎫 ❫ ── Howdy – Woddie !We're calling out LOUCY ( CEWE ) to join the MONCEIR LOVE at @COLLISIONLOVE and find a partner to open a new chapter of their new romantics story 🎶🤍 ָ࣪ ˖.

ㅤㅤ𐀶 ׅ ׅ ֹ ◌ Tickets are already available, so hurry up and grab your tickets to enter the concert area and meet the Morte! ••

                  ▍▎█▍▎▌▍▎█▌▎ █▎▌ㅤㅤ

If you already have the ticket, please wait to scan your ticket and tap this barcode to enter the concert area!

    ıllı  ─┈ ۫  ˖  ⊹ #COLVESROOM ⊹  ˖ ۫ ┈─  ıllıㅤㅤ
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ㅤ𝟬𝟬:𝟬𝟬ㅤ‣ㅤ𝟬𝟮:𝟰𝟭ㅤ───  ᡣ𐭩 Namun apa artinya ku seberangi samudera. Bila itu tanpamu takkan bermakna. Karna ku lihat lagi apa yang paling kunanti. Ternyata kencan pertama kita 𝅄 ࣪ ‌ 𐦍

ཫ  ˋ  🎧... Monceir Love part 3221 telah berakhir, seluruh penonton dipersilahkan untuk keluar dari area live music dengan tertib oleh bantuan Committee & Teamkeeper yang memantau keamanan. Sebelum area live music kami tutup, kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Morte @. yang akhirnya akhirnya memilih Loucy @. sebagai soulmate dan memulai love story sekaligus music date nya selama 72h! Kami tunggu laporan kelanjutan hubungan kalian di @COLVESOFCBOT. Wish you have a great trial guys!

Karena live music kali ini berjalan dengan baik, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua Loucy yang sudah berpastisipasi! Jangan bersedih karena tidak terpilih, masih banyak Live music yang akan kami laksanakan dan see u in another Gigs, Loucy!𝅄  ֹ ֺ   ‹3
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    【🎙 The Handsome(st) Guy 】   
ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ     3222th GIGS ❜           ㅤ      
ㅤ  ㅤ   •───────────────•  
       The concert will begin, Mr. Perfectly Fine 〈 Marius has already on his best style to give the best performance and meet his soulmate. He's waiting for you in front of the stage, ready to give you his introduce

☆ . › ˖ 𝐌use ⨾ Salah satu member Enhypen bermarga Park kelahiran 02L dari Amerika

★ . › ˖ 𝐒ifat ⨾ Hey! Nama gue Marius, atau Mari aja. Tapi kalo lo punya panggilan lain buat gue, feel free to use it. Gue nggak jago banget ngejelasin diri sendiri, but I’ll give it a shot. Sorry in advance if my words seem a bit off. Gue ini orangnya bawel, dan nggak pelit kasih perhatian—especially when it comes to bbc. Gue seringkali nolep, jadi lo nggak perlu khawatir soal balesan chat, gue selalu available buat ngeladenin kegabutan lo. Satu hal yang paling gue suka? Gue bener-bener menikmati obrolan yang tulus, kayak ditanyain soal hari gue, atau gue yang nanya balik ke lo. Kadang bisa jadi orang yang ceroboh, tapi itu lah gue, apa adanya. And when I’m in a relationship, I’m that kinda person yang nggak bisa jauh-jauh dari pasangan—even for a second. Percakapan sama gue nggak bakal boring selama lo juga asik. Gue suka pakai "gua-lo" dalam percakapan sehari-hari, tapi kalau lo prefer panggilan khusus atau cara bicara lain, just let me know. Gue orang yang super fleksibel. Gue juga orang yang highly affectionate, especially when it comes to physical touch and quality time. Oh, and just so you know, my MBTI is INFJ (fun fact, INFJs are often called extroverts in disguise because we’re super good at connecting with people, even if we’re introverts at heart, haha). Gue bisa jadi apa aja yang lo butuhin—dari daddy yang tegas sampai baby yang manja. Gue juga bisa jadi tempat nyaman buat lo pulang, bukan cuma singgah sebentar. Gue adalah support system yang lo bisa andelin kapan aja. Meskipun gue posesif, gue nggak suka ngatur atau ngurung pasangan. Selama lo ngerti batasan-batasan yang ada, we’re good. Gue kadang bisa jadi lapanbelascoret, kaya ngajak dirty talk atau img gitu. Gue suka hubungan yang tulus dan jujur. Kalo udah pacaran, waktu gue bakal banyak gue habisin buat pasangan gue, karena buat gue, spending time bareng itu penting banget. Gue bisa jadi playful, bisa ngikutin apa yang lo mau, mulai dari hal-hal kecil kayak pelukan atau sekedar cuddling bareng. Egois? Yes, sometimes. Childish? Absolutely, but in the fun way. Tapi, gue juga paham kapan harus bertanggung jawab dan bisa ngontrol diri sendiri. Gue nggak tahan ngeliat chat dianggurin, so I’m that type of person who responds quickly. Tapi kalo lo nggak bisa fast response kayak gue, no worries, asal jangan kelamaan, minimal coba bales secepat Boboiboy lah, hehe. Gue juga punya sisi humor yang receh, tapi nggak setiap saat muncul. Kadang, gue suka manja-manjaan, minta dipeluk atau dicium, jadi kalo lo ngerasa risih sama hal-hal kayak gitu, mungkin kita nggak cocok. Gue clingy banget dan lagi nyari pasangan yang sama clingy-nya.

☆ . › ˖ 𝐊riteria ⨾   What I’m looking for? Simple aja. Gue nyari someone yang gemesin dan talkative—alias orang yang obrolannya nggak itu-itu aja. Be my lalala to my okokok, yang bisa kasih gue perhatian penuh dan nggak terlalu sibuk sampai jarang aktif. Gue pengen yang dewasa, baik dalam pikiran maupun tindakan, yang bisa jadi tempat gue berbagi cerita dan keluh kesah.
Someone who can be my home, my support system, yang nggak suka bikin gue cemburu dan bikin hubungan kita tetap sehat. Tapi honestly, gue cuma pengen lo jadi diri lo sendiri. Gue lebih suka lo apa adanya daripada lo harus berpura-pura jadi orang lain. Jika lo bisa jadi diri sendiri dan kita cocok, gue yakin hubungan kita bakal kuat dan menyenangkan. Gue ingin kita bisa saling memahami, mendengarkan satu sama lain tanpa rasa takut, dan berbagi setiap momen dengan kejujuran. Gue percaya, saat kita bisa berbagi perasaan dan pikiran, kita akan semakin dekat. Setiap tawa, setiap cerita, bahkan setiap keluh kesah, itu semua bakal jadi bagian penting dari hubungan kita. Jadi, kalau lo juga ngerasa hal yang sama dan siap untuk menjalani perjalanan ini bareng, ayo kita kenalan lebih deket.

★ . › ˖ 𝐏anggilan untuk pasangan ⨾  sometimes it can be amour, sayangku, cinta, atau mungkin nanti ada pet name khusus?
2024/10/01 17:21:34
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