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ㅤ𝟬𝟬:𝟬𝟬ㅤ‣ㅤ𝟬𝟮:𝟰𝟭ㅤ───  ᡣ𐭩 Namun apa artinya ku seberangi samudera. Bila itu tanpamu takkan bermakna. Karna ku lihat lagi apa yang paling kunanti. Ternyata kencan pertama kita 𝅄 ࣪ ‌ 𐦍

ཫ  ˋ  🎧... Monceir Love part 3216 telah berakhir, seluruh penonton dipersilahkan untuk keluar dari area live music dengan tertib oleh bantuan Committee & Teamkeeper yang memantau keamanan. Sebelum area live music kami tutup, kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Morte @hTersayang yang akhirnya akhirnya memilih Loucy @toblutni sebagai soulmate dan memulai love story sekaligus music date nya selama 72h! Kami tunggu laporan kelanjutan hubungan kalian di @COLVESOFCBOT. Wish you have a great trial guys!

Karena live music kali ini berjalan dengan baik, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua Loucy yang sudah berpastisipasi! Jangan bersedih karena tidak terpilih, masih banyak Live music yang akan kami laksanakan dan see u in another Gigs, Loucy!𝅄  ֹ ֺ   ‹3
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    【🎙 The Handsome(st) Guy 】   
ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ     3217th GIGS ❜           ㅤ      
ㅤ  ㅤ   •───────────────•  
       The live music will begin, Mr. Perfectly Fine 〈 Edward Hudson has already on his best style to give the best performance and meet his soulmate. He's waiting for you in front of the stage, ready to give you his introduce

☆ . › ˖ 𝐌use ⨾ Member The Boyz bermarga Lee kelahiran Januari 1998.

★ . › ˖ 𝐒ifat ⨾ Warm greetings to all beautiful souls out there. First of all, I’m an ENTJ gang, I'm talkative person, I think I can send you more than 10 bubble chat, if you don't mind and if you're not someone who kills the conversation either. 😢 I'm a bilingual, i'll text you with a "campur campur" bahasa and bad grammar hehe I'm sorry for this, and please don't be grammar police, or I will be scared of you. I'm very confident, I really like teasing my partner (flirting) and it would definitely be more fun if you’re someone who blushes easily, sucha cutie. I'm a keyboard smasher, meme collector, and can't stop doing something silly, like do the cringe jokes, the DAD JOKES. Lovey-hate-dovey-relationship enjoyer. I'm a good listener, I'm always here for you, ready to listen to whatever's on your mind, no matter what you want to share, I promise to be that safe space where you can be yourself. My lovelang is WOA & Quality Time, but I also like to give you some gifts to showing how much I love you. I'll often give you ppt, love letter, some daily reminders, couple icons and the most thing is my drawing, I like to draw, and later I will enjoy drawing "us." A well mannered person, I also like to give surprises to my partner, whether It's sweet videos or sweet words, I can even show them off to @.HokaBase/@.DreamFess and the others. I like to share my TMI with you and I like to send you fpap just to let you know that gua ganteng. I'm pretty good at pampering my partner like a baby and also I kinda like being babied by my partner as well. I'm a good listener and good advicer, I’m always excited to know how life treated you, like what made you happy, sad, or pissed, If you need solutions, I will try to come out with on. I'm a type of boyfriend who always being appreciate of my partner as well and giving a lot affection, I can be your shoulder, the place for you let it go all your problems, all things that make you wanna go out the window. Here, I'm here any time you want to. I'm all ears for my sweetheart. I like doing couple thingy, we can do all the couple trends you want, ratakan semua trend, bento pamer lewat. 🥱 I'm a super clingy person and easily blushes whenever you praise me. There's one thing you should know about me, I'm a jamet person sebenernya, but for the first time jamet nya nggak akan keluar ✌️ As man who appreciates art, I enjoy listening to music, I'm a Bruno Major, Ed Sheeran, AURORA, Laufey, Green Day and MCR enjoyer. I appreciate it if you have the same music genre as me. But if not it's fine tho, we can share playlist. I'm not a film enjoyer, I don't watch many films. I often watch series or anime. I like sports anime genres and trailers like Haikyuu and Attack on Titan, but I also enjoy adventure ones like One Piece. I don't know much about K-dramas, but I have watched a few, like Exhuma, Ballelina and The first responders. Well I don't know again what should I type? So just wait okay, when we will know each other

☆ . › ˖ 𝐊riteria ⨾ Well, I want to find a girl with her own characteristics. It doesn't matter what their strengths and weaknesses are, they look more beautiful. I hope she can build a conversation and a bubbly person. Pays attention to me and can give good feedback. I like a someone who can show her affection for me so that I feel loved. Someone who want to reach me out, wanna try to know me more, always try to communicate for our relationship, instead of silent treatment, it's better for you to express all the bad things that are in your feeling. I really want a someone who always supports me, who can be my second home, always by my side, and is an honest person.
Someone who has a lovely and mature side, but i accept if she has her jamet personality and always joking around HAHAHA. 🙂↕️ Someone who good at pampering me. Someone who likes to tell about her activities or TMI, sending fpap. Free pass for a adorable but maybe a effortlessly adorable, have a good manner, likes quality time, can do jokes esp daddy jokes and which would share meme. I need to underlines this I really hate a liar, selfish and love boombing. Someone who can't manage her priorities, especially in this roleplay world and someone who has extremely moodswing.

★ . › ˖ 𝐏anggilan untuk pasangan ⨾ Babe, Sayang, Kitten and Sweetheart
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🎫 ❫ ── Howdy – Woddie !We're calling out LOUCY ( CEWE ) to join the MONCEIR LOVE at @COLLISIONLOVE and find a partner to open a new chapter of their new romantics story 🎶🤍 ָ࣪ ˖.

ㅤㅤ𐀶 ׅ ׅ ֹ ◌ Tickets are already available, so hurry up and grab your tickets to enter the gigs area and meet the Morte! ••

▍▎█▍▎▌▍▎█▌▎ █▎▌ㅤㅤ

If you already have the ticket, please wait to scan your ticket and tap this barcode to enter the gigs area!

ıllı ─┈ ۫ ˖ ⊹ #COLVESROOM ⊹ ˖ ۫ ┈─ ıllıㅤㅤ
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ㅤ𝟬𝟬:𝟬𝟬ㅤ‣ㅤ𝟬𝟮:𝟰𝟭ㅤ───  ᡣ𐭩 Namun apa artinya ku seberangi samudera. Bila itu tanpamu takkan bermakna. Karna ku lihat lagi apa yang paling kunanti. Ternyata kencan pertama kita 𝅄 ࣪ ‌ 𐦍

ཫ  ˋ  🎧... Monceir Love part 3217 telah berakhir, seluruh penonton dipersilahkan untuk keluar dari area live music dengan tertib oleh bantuan Committee & Teamkeeper yang memantau keamanan. Sebelum area live music kami tutup, kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Morte @Rdock. yang akhirnya akhirnya memilih Loucy @sZoet. sebagai soulmate dan memulai love story sekaligus music date nya selama 72h! Kami tunggu laporan kelanjutan hubungan kalian di @COLVESOFCBOT. Wish you have a great trial guys!

Karena live music kali ini berjalan dengan baik, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua Loucy yang sudah berpastisipasi! Jangan bersedih karena tidak terpilih, masih banyak Live music yang akan kami laksanakan dan see u in another Gigs, Loucy!𝅄  ֹ ֺ   ‹3
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    【🎙 The Handsome(st) Guy 】   
ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ     3218th GIGS ❜           ㅤ      
ㅤ  ㅤ   •───────────────•  
       The live music will begin, Mr. Perfectly Fine 〈 Juan has already on his best style to give the best performance and meet his soulmate. He's waiting for you in front of the stage, ready to give you his introduce

☆ . › ˖ 𝐌use ⨾ Salah satu member nct yang bermarga Lee

★ . › ˖ 𝐒ifat ⨾ Hello sweet lady, i'm Juan Alstair. First, can you spell l o v e for me? sorry at this first meeting, i even asked you to spell it wkwkwk. L for Let me introduce myself to all of you. O for Of course i will make you happy after you read me for a few seconds. V for Vastinya ada feedback setelah ini, yang paling last. E for Eh how to be your boyfriend? Alright, end this game and move on to getting to know my [ cool ] self, lady. I'm a guy who works hard, i like to work hard for you. Bercanda, gua termasuk manusia yang humoris at least gua juga ngebuat jokes dirty no dirty. Gua bukan wibu tapi kalau misalnya diajak bercanda dan ngobrol soal anime, gua bisa karena nonton beberapa. Gua bukan chewing gum, yang setelah seneng seneng abis itu sedih sedih. Kalau udah seneng gua usahain bakalan terus seneng sampe akhir, kalau sedih, sedih sekalian biar ga nanggung tapi gua ga setega itu. Gua terverifikasi manusia galau, tapi sebenernya hidup gua ga segalau ituu. Gua ga mau terlalu sibuk buat menyedihkan orang atau hal nantinya cuman buang buang waktu aja. Makanya sebisa mungkin gua mau nyari yang better, better coklat. Gua suka ucapin hal random, gua suka send meme wkwk. I'm easy to get along with and get to know people, my friends say that i'm a friendly kid. Gua suka buat akun khusus, kalau ga yaa paling mentok channel khusus. Buat misuh misuh kalau hari ini gua gimana, tapi kalau udah ada lu mungkin diisinya sama kerandoman lu yang istimewa. Gua suka nonton rave, sama temen temen doang. Kalau lu mau ikut bisa, kita berdua aja. Gua udah nyiapin beberapa plan buat kita, lumayan biar ga kagok nantinya.
A. Get closer
B. Start finding out what you favorite
C. Be your favorite
I'm the man who have lobe languange, words of affirmation. Because i'd rather spend time typing than doing anything else, but i'd rather spend time with you WKWK. It's not a lie because maybe later if i'm with you, i will be better because in every way you will definitely be the moon that will illuminate me. Gue bukan orang yang selalu senggang tapi kalau misalnya dibagi waktu sama lo bisa, kita bisa saling berkomunikasi dengan baik nanti kalau misalnya ada problem, let's talk about it sampai ke akar masalahnya ketemu. Gua ga bisa bilang ngga, ga, apalagi gak pakai kata kata ngegertak sama pacar gue, karena yang perlu kalian tau 1. pacar harusnya disayang. harus ditreat sebaik mungkin jugakan. Gua bakalan berusaha jadi hijau, buat manusia pink. Gua mungkin keliatan kayak grumppy person. Tenang bear, gua ga gitu. Gua marah aja jarang, takut darah tinggi gua. Gua suka banget banget banget denger lagu Bruno Major, “She Choose Me.“ have you heard it before? Kalau ga ini paling familiar “The most beautiful thing.“ Pernah? kalau ga pernah gapapa kita bisa saling tukeran playlist nanti, lo kasih tau aja apa lagi favorit lo. Demi apapun gua malu bilang kalau gua gampang saltingan kalau sama pacar only ya, tapi gua bersikap biasa aja ga mau keliatan banget. Even lu cuma manggil gua “Juan“ use nada gemes. Mau gua cakar ini dunia, gua mau uyek uyek aja. Ga lucu banget anjir kalau 2 jam ketemu langsung gua ajak nikah, makanya nanti kelucuannya distabilin dulu ya? Gua lupa bilang nih kalau lu bingung manggil gua apa, panggil gua say- oh panggil aa juga gapapa. Nanti kita aa adek wkwk, panggil Juan juga gapapa. Suka suka yang manggil aja ga akan komplen gua, gua menerima semua jenis. I really like Seeun, Karina, Wonyoung. They are beautiful pillars of my life, you're beautiful too. Later you will be the true pillar of my life, bukan cuman pilar kehidupan gua. Tapi juga sayangnya gua, baiknya gua, lucunya gua, gemesnya gua, cantiknya gua.
2024/09/30 12:30:24
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