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With the ability to send files up to 2 GB (or 4 GB), users can easily share large media items from other apps directly to Telegram on any mobile platform. This saves both time and storage space – so you don't have to save the file before sending it in Telegram. Telegram Pin Messages Telegram Options

Turn on Secret Chat 5 Cool Telegram Messenger Tricks You Should Know To make such a group or find people near you, swipe right on the homepage, tap on β€œContacts”, and then tap on β€œFind People Nearby”. You will see a list of nearby people and groups sorted by distance. Hide Telegram Profile Photo

If you want to add a second number instead of migrating, Telegram also lets you use multiple accounts at once. For Android, on the left sidebar, tap your contact info to expand the account switcher and choose Add Account. On iPhone, tap Edit on the profile page and choose Add Another Account. All premium users get a Premium special badge that appears next to their name in the chat list, chat headers, and member lists in groups – showing that they help support Telegram and are part of the club that receives exclusive features first. Even better, thanks to Cloud Themes, you can share your custom themes (or try themes created by others) using a link. If the owner updates the theme, everyone using it through that link will see the changes. Long-press on a theme and choose Share to make it available to others. Infinite Reactions

Open Telegram chat Telegram Cloud is just like a chat, where you can save almost all common file types (such as text messages, images, links, audio and video notes, locations, contacts, and links) as long as they are not bigger than 1.5 GB.

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