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♻️ @BajwaMoHiT ♻️
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Method To Get .Com Domain Name Without Any cost [FREE]

How to take FREE Hosting And Domain:- Yahoo is giving free .com domain with hosting
(You Can Change NS to point to your HOsting)

⚠️ NOTE:- You Can Also Update NS and point to your Hosting then use it on your way

⚠️ Again Note:- To get this FREE service from all these platforms you have to use your own PayPal or Credit Card.

Tips:- You can also use this Technique for PBN an it is free of cost

Note: Personally Tested all the things and then Telling
🔰 2-years Premium Domain Method (.com, .in, etc) 🔰 By @BajwaMoHiT

🌀 You Will Get 2-year Domain with unlimited Hosting and Templates designing.
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
◾️German VPN (may not be necessary)
◾️Go to
◾️ And sign up with any good domain mail
◾️ Select your domain and choose the Unlimited 2-Years Plan.
◾️ Fill the payment details or personal details both with
◾️Must select country as Germany During these Steps
◾️ In payment option select the default which is something like SEPA,
◾️Then fill the name and IBAN from and complete the payment
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
🔥It will take 5-10 minutes to activate you domain and after All that easy steps you will Get a premium domain.

⭕️ Costs :- 71000 Ruppes

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Forwarded from Amit Mishra (Tryootech) (Amit Mishra)
Vodafone-Idea Users : Youth Special - Vodafone is Offering Prime Membership For 1 Year In Just Rs.499 | 50% Off


Prepaid & Postpaid Users

1. First of All Download or Update to Latest Version of MyVodafone App

2. Login Using your or your Friends Mobile Number in MyVodafone App | Age must be 18 to 24 Years of that Friend who’s aadhar is linked on that number.

3. You will able to See a Banner Like Below. : “Exclusive Youth Offer! 50% Off on 1 Year Amazon Prime Membership for Vodafone U Subscriber.”

4. Click on Grab It Option and Agree Terms and Pay Rs.499 Using available Payment Mode.

5. You can Login in with Any Amazon Account you want to make it Prime!

6. Now Activate your Membership and Your Prime membership is now activated. Start enjoying all the benefits.
The Absolute Tools Guide to Cyber Security and Hacking By Google Developer

Claim It Before Expired Coupon Code 👇
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