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Major mitchells cockatoo

Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri), also known as Leadbeater's cockatoo or the pink cockatoo, is a medium-sized cockatoo restricted to arid and semi-arid inland areas of Australia, though it is seen regularly in other climates, for example, South-East Queensland's subtropical region.
#climates #australia

Stellers jay

The Cyanocitta stelleri is a native bird of western and northern America. The bird was discovered in 1877 by the German entomologist Johann Friedrich Gemlin.
#Gemlin #Native #America


This bird is 14 cm long. The male is easily recognizable by its reddish-pink trunk, gray back, dark black, broad white stripe on the wings, and hard black beak. The female bird has a different color and is less brown than the male bird with a brownish pea undergrowth.
#Bird #color #beak

Eastern bluebird

The eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a small North American migratory thrush found in open woodlands, farmlands, and orchards.
#eastern #orchard #migratory

Himalayan monal

The Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), also known as the Impeyan monal and Impeyan pheasant, is a pheasant native to Himalayan forests and shrublands at elevations of 2,100–4,500 m
#elevations #monal

Mute swan

Cygnus olor is a species of swan, a member of geese and ducks, native to Europe, Asia and North Africa. It is also found in North America, Australia and South Africa
#Strong #Native #Gos

Crescent_faced antpitta

The crescent-faced antpitta (Grallaricula lineifrons) is a species of bird in the family Grallariidae. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
#ecuador #crescent

Northern cardinal

The northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a bird in the genus Cardinalis; it is also known colloquially as the redbird, common cardinal, red cardinal, or just cardinal (which was its name prior to 1985).
#redbird #cardinal #prior

Rainbow lorikeet

The rainbow parrot, or small Australian parrot, is native to the east coast, from northern Queensland to South Australia. Its habitat is rainforests, coastal shrubs and forest areas and it feeds on the nectar of flowers, fruits and seeds.
#Parrot #Rainbow

Eurasion jay

The Eurasian sparrow (Garrulus glandarius) is a sparrow bird of the crow family that lives in Europe, North Africa and Asia. Eurasian otters are medium-sized, noisy, and usually colorful birds.
#Crow #colorful


The budgerigar buhj-uh-ree-gah; Melopsittacus undulatus), also known as the common parakeet or shell parakeet, is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot usually nicknamed the budgie  or in American English, the parakeet
#american #budgie

Pink robin _double tap

The pink robin (Petroica rodinogaster) is a small passerine bird native to southeastern Australia. Its natural habitats are cool temperate forests of far southeastern Australia.
#australia #passerine

The crowed woodnymph

The crowned woodnymph (Thalurania colombica) is a species of bird in the hummingbird family Trochilidae. It is found in Belize and Guatemala to northern Peru. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, subtropical or tropical moist montane forest, and heavily degraded former forest.
#heavily #degraded

Fruit Dove

The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons, are a genus  of birds in the pigeon and dove family  These colourful, frugivorous doves are found in forests and woodlands in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
#oceania #southeast

Red billed leiothrix

The red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) is a member of the family Leiothrichidae, native to southern China and the Himalayas. 
#himalayas #nativ #leiothrix

Indian roller

Indian sagebrush (scientific name: Coracias benghalensis) is a species of sagebrush that lives in large areas from Southeast Asia to the west in southern Iran and Iraq. In the south of Kerman (Suzu crow) is also called.
#Green #Asia

Little blue heron

The little blue heron (Egretta caerulea) is a small heron belonging to the family Ardeidae.
#ardeidae #belongig #heron

Jambu fruit dove

The jambu fruit dove (Ptilinopus jambu) is a smallish colourful fruit dove. It is a resident breeding species in southern Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei and the Indonesian islands of Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java.
#sumatra #thailand #jambu

Pompadour cotinga

The pompadour cotinga (Xipholena punicea) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae. This species lives in the Amazonian rainforest and has a range that extends across the Amazon Basin and includes Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas.
#includes #Guianas

Great white heron

Great white heron (scientific name: Ardea alba), also known as common heron, is a species of large heron that lives in a wide geographical area.
#Large #body #white

2024/09/30 03:29:40
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