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BTS-ning yangi yaponcha albomi "BTS, THE BEST" ning 16-iyun "Film Out" (yangi yaponcha qo'shig'i) treklar ro'yxati 2-aprel kuni soat 8.00 UZB


Tracklist for BTS new Japanese album "BTS, THE BEST' out June 16 "Film Out" (new Japanese song) out April 2 12AM KST/JST




Pre-save "Film Out", out April 2 at 12AM KST!


'BTS, THE BEST' Yaponcha albom o'z ochiga 23 ta trekni va yangi qo'shiq 'Film Out' ni oladi. 6/16 da reliz qilinadi


'BTS, THE BEST' total 23 tracks Japanese best album including new song 'Film Out' will be released on 6/16

Hobi Weverseda 0326

Bu nega buncha qulay bo'lmasa...

* You Quiz shousidan olishgan yostiqchalari 🍗


Hobi on Weverse 0326

Why is this so comfortable..

*The 🍗 cushion they received from You Quiz show

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[Notice] [예고] ˝Let´s BTS!˝ Everything about BTS! [Let's BTS] | KBS Broadcasting


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Pentagon guruhining Kino memberi BTS-ning 'Life Goes On' qo'shig'ini cover qilib chiqdi


Pentagon's Kino covered BTS's 'Life Goes On'

Forwarded from 🔥• ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴊɪᴍɪɴ •🔥 (모비ˢᵏᶻ)

오늘도 여러분이 행복한 하루를 보내시면 좋겠습니다.
식사도 거르지 말고 꼭 챙겨하세요

* Bugun ham hammagiz kunni yaxshi o'tkazsangiz yaxshi bo'lardi. Ovqat tanlamasdan albatta hammasini yeng*


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BTS 2021 Space Sow Music Awards-da "Eng yaxshi xalqaro artist" va "Xalq tanlovi" nominatsiyasida g'olib bo'ldi
Namjoon 🐨: Salom 2021 Space Shower Music Awards tomoshabinlari. Bang!
💜:Salom! Biz BTSmiz!
Namjoon 🐨: Eng yaxshi xalqaro artist mukofoti uchun rahmat.
Jimin 🐥: o'tgan yilgi Dynmite va Map Of Soul: 7 albomlarimizni qo'llab-quvvatlaganingiz u-n rahmat.
Jin 🐹: Biz ushbu ajoyib mukofotni olganimizdan juda xursandmiz.
Jungkook 🐰: Bizning yangi qo'shiq Film Out 2-aprelda namoyish etiladigan "Signal" filmining asosiy trekidir (u 4/2 ni nazarda tutgan)
Taehyung 🐯: Ushbu qo'shiqni ko'pchilik tinglaydi degan umiddamiz, shuning uchun iltimos uni kuting.
Hobi 🐿: Muxlislarimiz bilan uchrasha olmayotganimiz yomon. Biz imkon qadar tezroq barchani ko'rishni xohlaymiz.
Jin 🐹: Barchangiz iltimos o'zingizga qarang!
Namjoon 🐨: Niqob kiyishni va dezinfektsiyalashni unutmang
💜: Bu BTS edi.
Taehyung 🐯: xayr

🔥• ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴ - ᴍᴏɴᴏ •🔥 ᴮᵁᵀᵀᴱᴿ
📍 [TRANS] #SPACESHOWERMUSICAWARDS202 BTS 2021 Space Sow Music Awards-da "Eng yaxshi xalqaro artist" va "Xalq tanlovi" nominatsiyasida g'olib bo'ldi Namjoon 🐨: Salom 2021 Space Shower Music Awards tomoshabinlari. Bang! 💜:Salom! Biz BTSmiz! Namjoon 🐨: Eng…

BTS acceptance speech on winning 'Best International Artist' and 'People's Choice' at the 2021 Space Sow Music Awards

Namjoon 🐨: Hello 2021 Space Shower Music Awards viewers. Bang-!
💜: -so! Hello! We are BTS!
Namjoon 🐨: Thank you for the Best International Artist award.
Jimin 🐥: Thank you for giving a lot of love to Dynamite and Map Of The Soul: 7 from last year.
Jin 🐹: We are very happy to receive this wonderful award.
Jungkook 🐰: Our new song Film Out is the title track of the movie Signal which will be released on April 2 (he meant 4/2)
Taehyung 🐯: We hope that many people will listen to this song, so please look forward to it.
Hobi 🐿: It's a shame that we can't meet our fans. We want to act in front of everyone as soon as possible
Jin 🐹: Everyone, please take care until then
Namjoon 🐨: Don't forget to wear masks and disinfect
💜: This was BTS!
Taehyung 🐯: Bye

BTS bilan You Quiz shousi videolari endi hammasi YouTubeda English subtitle bilan!


All the clips for You Quiz on the Block with BTS now have English subs!


BTS-ning rasmiy 'Film out' klipining tizeri You Tubeda birinchi marotaba 24 soat ichida 9.1M kuzatuvchilar soni va 2.32M layklarni yig'di


BTS 'Film out' official Teaser received 9.1M views & 2.32M likes on YouTube in the first 24 hours

[#LifeGoesOn300M] 210327

'Life Goes On' rasmiy musiqiy videosi YouTubeda 300M kuzatuvchilarga ega bo'ldi! 🎉

🗣 Strim qilishni davom eting: (


[#LifeGoesOn300M] 210327

‘Life Goes On’ Official MV by #BTS has surpassed 300 MILLION views! 🎉

🗣 Keep streaming: (

Zo'r narsa topib oldim hoxlagan videolaringizni UzbSub qilib kora olasiz😁 men hamma korsatuvni korib chiqsam kere endi😂
2024/09/30 08:28:24
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