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🔥• ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴ - ᴍᴏɴᴏ •🔥 ᴮᵁᵀᵀᴱᴿ
Twitterda bir army post joyladi: Uni aytishicha u Bangtan Tokopedia reklamasi to'plamida ishlagan (2019 yil dekabrgi). Ularning aytishicha, ularning rejissyorlik guruhi a'zosi bo'lgan ishlaridan biri tozalash va boshqa turli xil ishlarni qilishgan. Reklamani…
ular hech narsa demagan bo'lsalar ham, memberlar "Og'riyapti, tog'rimi? Uzr so'rayman!Iltimos, sabr qiling/ozgina chidang! ” deyishardi. Suratga olish jarayonida ARMY memberlarni kutish xonasiga tovuq olib borgan. J-Hope treyneridan massaj olayotgan edi va ARMYni ko'rgach, u "Yo tovuq! Rahmat!" deb aytadi. 🍗🤪 Sur'atga olish ishlari tugagandan so'ng, ARMY yuvinish honasiga boradi, chunki ular pollatlarni yuvishlari kerak edi. ARMY unga "Siz juda ko'p ishladingiz" deb aytmoqchi bo'ldi lk ikkilandi, chunki ARMYning so'zlari bilan aytganda, ular "oddiy" "Jungkook-nim - dunyo yulduzi" edi, shu bilan ARMY egilib latalarni yuvayotganda Jungkook unga "Siz qattiq ishladingiz!" dedi qo'llarini yuvayotganda.

ARMY postni quyidagicha yakunladi:

"BTS oddiy latta yuvayotgan yarim soatlik ishchilariga e'tibor berishadi va hatto ularni hurmat qilishadi ... ular juda ajoyib va ​​men ularni hurmat qilaman!"

🔥• ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴ - ᴍᴏɴᴏ •🔥 ᴮᵁᵀᵀᴱᴿ
Twitterda bir army post joyladi: Uni aytishicha u Bangtan Tokopedia reklamasi to'plamida ishlagan (2019 yil dekabrgi). Ularning aytishicha, ularning rejissyorlik guruhi a'zosi bo'lgan ishlaridan biri tozalash va boshqa turli xil ishlarni qilishgan. Reklamani…
OP worked on the set of Bangtan’s Tokopedia ad (December 2019). They said that one of their jobs as a member of the directing team was cleaning up and other misc. work. Filming was split between sets A and B, and OP was working on set B (still cuts). Due to time constraints, OP and other staff members had to step in for members who were on set A for the group photo (ie. the staff were edited + replaced with the members for the final product) Every time the director explained how this photo process, the members would bow, shake their hands, and say “잘부탁드립니다”(please take care of me). In particular, OP says they remember 🐻 smiling brightly and greeting the staff before starting ☺️ OP said their hands hurt a bit because they had to high-five multiple times; even though they didn’t say anything, the members would say “It hurts, right..? I’m sorry! Please be patient/endure it just a little!” During the filming, OP delivered some chicken to the members’ waiting room. 🐿 was getting a massage from their trainer, and when he saw OP he said “Yo~chicken! Thank you!” 🍗🤪 After the filming was completed, OP was in the bathroom because they had to wash the mop they used when jungkook walked in. OP was hesitant to say “You worked hard” to him because, in OP's words, they are “a low -rank staff” while “Jungkook-nim is a world star” So OP continued washing the mop when jungkook bent down and said “You worked hard!” in a bright voice while washing his hands. OP was so surprised and happy that they said “Ah..thank you! You worked hard! It was such an honor! Have a good day!” 🐰 laughed and said “Ah...the day’s already over thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋbut thank you! Have a good day~!” and left the bathroom. OP finished the post with:

“The BTS members who are considerate of and respect [even] the part-timers who are washing mops...they are so cool and I respect them!”

tvN 'You Quiz on the block' BTS preview (3/24 8:40pm KST) on their instagram


o'tirgan jimin buyam jimin


jimin sitting also jimin sitting

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[scan]2021 winter package

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2024/10/01 07:43:37
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