By subscribing to Telegram Premium, users unlock doubled limits, 4 GB file uploads, faster downloads, exclusive stickers and reactions, improved chat management β and a whole lot more. Custom Folders Set Reminders
Improved Login Flow Whether you no longer want to let redundant chats clutter the precious storage of your device or wish to shield your personal chats, the auto-delete timer is for you. When you set an auto-delete timer for a specific Telegram chat, all of its content including images, videos, and documents are automatically deleted after the timer expires. The platform offers three kinds of polls: Cloud access
Telegram allows you to manage the device storage: you can choose to delete media (photos, videos, and other files) shared on the app. All files will be deleted from your device after the specified duration, but they will stay in the Telegram cloud forever, so you can re-download them when you need them again. There is also an option to delete the cache and local database. Telegram also supports hashtags. If you tap a hashtag, you can search across all of your activate chats for it. This makes it easy to find messages in the future or categorize information for yourself. Telegram also includes useful security options in this menu, which differ in name slightly on Android and iPhone. Use Passcode Lock to keep people from reading your chats. You can review all Active Sessions and terminate any logins that you no longer use. Add Multiple Accounts b Telegram Messenger Tricks
This is useful when you are on your way to a meeting or trying to coordinate with friends at a large event. Rather than sending static locations every minute, you can share your live location with your friend circle for 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours. Of course, you can stop sharing at any time. On Android, simply slide out the left menu and choose New Secret Chat to start a new one. On iPhone, open a chat, tap the contact's name at the top, choose More, and then hit Start Secret Chat.
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