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South Africa SA telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
From: South Africa and USA
Telegram الحوت - قدرات الأدبي, 682711 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel South Africa, SATelegram الحوت - قدرات الأدبي, 682711 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
الحوت - قدرات الأدبي Telegram
This will allow us to offer all the resource-heavy features users have asked for over the years, while preserving free access to the most powerful messenger on the planet. Telegram allows you to classify all your chats into various folders. This lets you deal with a group of chats at a time and avoid others when they are not important. For instance, you could set a group to include all chats from your work colleagues and another to manage your personal social circle. So, if you want to create different chat folders on Telegram for your use case then follow along. Open the hamburger menu and move to Settings -> Folders. Here, tap on “Create New Folder” and give a name like personal, work, fun, unread, etc. After that, add the chats that you would like to appear in this folder. Similarly, you can add the kinds of chats that you don’t want to be grouped under this folder. This way Telegram will learn your preferences. Now, the main screen will move to a tabbed UI making it easier to use and manage Telegram. How awesome is that?
Unlike other cloud-based solutions, Telegram’s personal space has infinite storage. You can also send all kinds of files here. However, note that each file you send must be sized lesser than 1.5GB. Premium Doubled Limits Save for Notifications To create one of these, go to Settings or a Chat Info page, click Edit > click the Profile Picture > select Sticker or Emoji.
On WhatsApp and other messaging apps, you can send uncompressed media by changing the media extension to something like PDF or EXE. However, on Telegram, you don’t need to take this hacky route for sending uncompressed media files. Just select your media and tap on the 3-dot menu. After that, choose “Send without compression” and that is it. How awesome is that? This single Telegram trick has saved me so much headache when sharing photos. If you don’t want messages in your secret chats to hang around forever, Telegram lets you set self-destruct timers to permanently remove them. After a message is received, it remains in the chat for a predetermined period — you can choose times between one second and one week – before disappearing. Additionally, subscribers can enable a setting in Privacy and Security to automatically archive and mute new chats, helping organize even the busiest chat lists. To do this, choose the items you want to send and tap on the three-dot menu. Now select “send without compression”, and you are good to go.
Telegram Pin Messages Lock Your Chats 1b
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