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عید الفطر سیریز

عید کی نماز کے لیے جانے سے پہلے کرنے کے کام۔
عید کی نماز کا طریقہ
عید کا تحیہ (مبارکباد دینا)
عید کی نماز میں کونسی صورتیں پڑھنی ہیں۔
عید کا خطبہ
عید کی نماز کا وقت

🌙Eid ul Fitr Series


Things to do before going for Eid prayer.
Method of offering Eid Prayer
Eid greetings
Which surah to be recited in Eid Prayer?
Sermon of Eid Prayer
Time for Eid Prayer
📢 Takbeerat - Why?

🌙 Because at the end of Ramadaan Allaah has prescribed that His slaves should recite takbeer.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“(He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allaah [i.e. to say Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar: Allaah is the Most Great)] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him”

[al-Baqarah 2:185]

What to say?

🔸 الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله، الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد

🔸 الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله، الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد

🔸 الله أكبر كبيرًا، والحمد لله كثيرا، وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا

It is permissible to say any one of these takbirs or all of these together.
Because the command to say the takbir is mentioned but specific wording isn't mentioned. So saying any type of takbir is permissible.
Even simply saying "Allahu akbar" is sunnah.

❗️Who should say Takbirs?
It is Sunnah for both men and woman, in the mosque, in the home and in the marketplace.

🔊Men should say it out loud, and 🔈women should say it quietly, because women are commanded to lower their voices.

When Do We Begin Takbeerat

The time for this takbeer begins when it is proven that the new moon of Shawwaal has been sighted

When Do We Stop Takbeerat
🔇Recitation of takbeerat ceases when the Imam comes out to deliver the khutbah [before the Eid prayer].

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Enhancing Characters through Quran and Sunnah!
قرآن و سنت کے ذریعے کردار کو نکھاریں!

Duaa - دعا

Reminder for those who have one more day of Ramadan in their country.
#Ramadan1445 (2024)
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Reminder for those who have one more day.

We will be celebrating Eid Today إن شآء اللّٰه as moon has been sighted in our Country
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🗓01 Shawwal, 1445H.


🤲تقبل اللّٰه منا ومنكم🤲

جبير بن نفير بيان كرتے ہيں كہ رسول كريم ﷺ كے صحابہ كرام عيد كے روز جب ايك دوسرے كو ملتے تو ايك دوسرے كو كہتے:
تقبل اللہ منا و منك: اللہ تعالى مجھ اور آپ سے قبول فرمائے.

(حافظ رحمہ اللہ تعالى كہتے ہيں: اس كى سند حسن ہے.)

The companions of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), when they met each other on the day of Eid, they would say to each other, تَقَبَّلَ اللَّهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكَ “May Allah accept good deeds from us and from you.”

📚[Narrated by Jubayr ibn Nufayr (R.) Ṣalāt al-‘Īdayn lil-Maḥāmilī 2/218]

#Eid Mubarak
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Ramadan Status Reminders

Day 30

Don't let eid be a welcome back party for shaitaan.

#Ramadan1445 (2024)
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Enjoying Eid 🎉?

الحمد لله
May you enjoy many more Eids! 💝

💡 Just a Quick Reminder

💝 One of the sign of acceptance of Ramadan is that a person continues the good deeds after Ramadan. 📈

💕May Allah accept our efforts & ibadah in Ramadan and help us continue them & be steadfast on them, آمــــــــــين

🏮 Eid is a busy day for many...
but let's try our best to maintain our good deeds routine...

Prayers on Time
📖 Daily Qur'an (Many of us were reciting a juz' a day. Try your best as much you can recite)
Morning & Evening 🌙 Adhkaar
🛐 Make Du'as & Remember our Ummah
📿 Keep doing Dhikr
💸 Sadaqah
💗Thank Allahﷻ for His numerous blessings & especially the blessing of Islam 🎁

May Allahﷻ accept from all of us
our fasting, qiyam, tilawah, sadaqah and all forms of ibadah...

May we be of those freed from hellfire and forgiven by Allahﷻ

2024/09/23 00:23:33
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