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give me back my smile ;)

i need my old happiness </3

i don't need someone tu care of me

i can handle everything without u since u leaving me

i'm just miss u, but i'm not hoping u can come back again ;)

i never trust what u promises with me !

not single or taken ,
just waiting for something real :)

aku yg berjuang aku yg terbuangπŸ‘πŸ»

time senduuu baru nak cari ;) takpayah cari kn senang

i can smile & i can hide my pain everytimes :)

Forwarded from Bisikan Rindu ` (aliahapid)
jangan mainkan perasaan orang yang ikhlas dengan kita .

some people love you but don't tell you. some people tell you but don't really love you.

You are the lucky person if you found someone that can love and accept you who are you✨

i just dreaming about you just now. idk why.

Dah tahu tak lulus usaha lah sampai baik result kau tu. Yang sibuk nak cakap yang cikgu tak pandai mark markah kenapa?

Sumpah aku cakap yang student salahkan cikgu sebab gagal ni serius bodoh. Nak tahu sebab apa? Sebab kau tak pikir apa yang kau buat dekat cikgu. Cikgu takkan bagitahu apa yang dia terasa dengan student dia. Sebaliknyaa dia pendam je. Kelas tambahan tak datang. Kerja sekolah tak siap. Latihan tak buat. Melawan apa yang cikgu cakap. Kau pikir kau akan dapat keberkatan belajar tu? You're totally WRONG! Tahu nak cari salah orang je. Tapi salah sendiri tak nampak.

Sepandai mana kau belajar. Kalau takde adab dengan cikgu. Takde guna ilmu yang kau dapat.

I know I'm not a good person. I know I made a lot of mistake. But everyday I'm trying change to be a better person.

If you’re busy, i can wait. If you’re not in mood, i can be good listener. If you’re need something, i can help you. No matter what happens. I’m here, if you need me.

Dear you ,

I get jealous when someone else have your attention πŸ₯€

2024/09/28 19:32:38
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