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Bila seorang ayah lepaskan satu-satunya anak perempuan dia pada kau. Kau jaga dia elok-elok. Jangan sesekali kau lukakan hati puteri dalam hidup dia. Jangan sesekali kau hancurkan semua kepercayaan ayah perempuan tu. Seorang ayah nakkan terbaik untuk anak perempuan dia.

keep our relationship in silent then you let me watch you having fun with the other girls is it?

depression is just like your body is live but your mind dead . it's hurt sometime have a depression .

i don't care about anyone , i don't care about negative comments , i don't need any advisors , i don't care about my life :)

You don’t really lose friends. You just find out who was real and who never was.

no need to show off all ur pictures . if he really wants you , he will accept all your weakness 🥰

Be careful what you tell people . A friend today can be an enemy tomorrow .

Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfection.

setiap manusia melakukan kesilapan , tetapi kenapa sering melakukan kesilapan yang sama

aku tak faham dengan kau :) kau ingat aku patung buddha ke takde perasaan kau nak layan ikut sukahati kau je oh hm

AkuFaham pinned Deleted message
I love it when you send me those texts that make me smile no matter how many times I read them.

Some days are just bad days, that’s all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that’s just the way it is.

AkuFaham pinned Deleted message
Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars.

The best way to heal a broken heart, it turns out, is to find a way to move past the hurt.

You find out what you are made of when you have a broken heart. If it happens early and often, all the better.

Don’t feel sad over someone who gave up on you. Feel sad for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.

We can't feel the lose of a friend until they are apart from us.

People always change and sometimes friends turn to be strangers but the all the memories never change.

2024/09/29 15:36:02
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