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Tak payah lah susah susah nak benci aku. Aku sendiri benci dengan diri sendiri.

It is a mystery but it doesn't matter .

Freezing time so i don't waste no more .

Somethings feeling unusual .

I've been loving myself after you leaving me .

Your heart is all i need .

I promise after that, I'll let you go .

Stay with me a minute . I'll swear I'll make it worth it .

I lost my self

You always make me crazy
I hate u but I love u...
Bulan perlukan bintang ,
dan aku perlukan kau πŸ‘«

Shadow's so close if you are still in love .

Falling in love like it's just nothing .

I don't make any promises .

I've been so weak ,
when you make an entrance .

πŸ“‹ Macam mana nak abaikan kata kata orang dekat kita? Takkuat weh takkuat gila.

πŸ„ First of all kita tak boleh tutup mulut orang daripada nak mengata, mencaci, perli, or sebagainya. Tapi tak bermaksud awak perlu menggangap something yang dia bagitau awak tu totally 100% right. Here izz bagi tips bila orang mengata.

1. Cuba ambil positif bila dia lemparkan kata kata negatif. Ambik ayat tu sebagai pengajaran untuk improve diri kita supaya diri kita makin maju.

2 . Jangan persoalkan something yang keluat dari mulut dia. It's mean tak perlu take a serious bila dia kata awak hodoh, buruk, gemuk, tak boleh berjaya. Sebab kita tak tau at the end apa yang akan jadi. USAHA, IKHTIAR, TAWAKKAL ( benda ni wajib ada dalam diri ) bila kita dah usaha tapi sampai tahap tu je Allah bagi awak tak perlu sedih. Tak selamanya Allah hadirkan guruh dan hujan untuk hambanya.

3 . Fight balik dengan positive words. Tak elok api lawannya api. So cuba pelan pelan saiko dia balik dengan ayat yang tak menyakitkan hati.


πŸ“‹ Kata kata untuk memulihkan hati balik selepas dihancurkan oleh seseorang?

πŸ„ Him. You thought about him. Didn't you? That one word just brought a thousand of memories and emotions above. Isn't that hard? You were thinking about that one guy you're still in love with? Weren't you? Why you do this to yourself? Can you tell me that? Why you're hurting yourself so deeply by checking out his profile every minute of the day, by feeding back to the times you were so happy, by making up the thousand situations in your head you know deep inside never will happen. Tell me. Why? Why you can't just admit he's gone, thah he leave you without a regret? Can you tell me why you can't regret the fact that he became the person he promised he wouldn't become? Probably not. And that's hard about loving someone who doesn't love you back. No matter how much he broke you, how much he hurt you, you will always remember all a good things. Don't do that. You should be hating him. Instead of that girl he's messing with. You should stop hating yourself for still loving him, but start hating him for not loving you, for letting you go, for choosing her above you. I know this isn't easy. I really do, but is it easy to live the way you're living now? To cry yourself to asleep every night, to fall apart every time you hear his name, to be disappointed for not getting a message? No. You have to let go, not because he left but because you're fighting for something that would never fight for you, because you're holding onto something that would never hold onto you and especially because you're loving someone that would never, ever love you.


If you really love that person, learn to wait. Maybe you're not meant to be together for today but meant to be in the future.

A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.

I'm so tired of:

1. Fake friends
2. Drama
3. Liars
4. Being ignored
5. Getting hurt

2024/09/30 01:31:16
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