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not easy to forget who love me, stay with me for a years ;))

it's hard to believe that you're not mine anymore :(

don't hope too much. tak semua orang boleh stay lama dengan kita. walau apa pun jadi, kene redha. tu semua ujian dari Allah & kita boleh dapat yang lagi baik :)

dear boyfriend, i'm sorry cause not as pretty as others girlfriend.

i always hide most of what i feel

β€œI guess what they say is true/Friends come and go/But I never thought that wold apply to you.” 

β€œIn the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

Percayalah, orang yang suka menghina kita tidak akan pernah berada diatas kita.

everything will be fine in the end. and if it isn't, then it's not the end yet

all memories will stay in the past, the truth is i still love you with all my heart.

i never faked my care to someone

asyik cari yg sempurna sampai bila nak jumpa .

Before nak jadi judgemental person , make sure diri kau sempurna 100% .

I know a lot of ya'll talk behind my back. I'm not stupid. I just don't care.

kadang rasa menyesal juga kenal seseorang. But that's how we live this life. We meet people. Either good or bad, we learn something from them.

marah diam sakit hati pun diam tau tau mati je

Dia yang buang kawan,dia jugak yang meroyan sana sini post pasal bestfriend :")

Belajar hargai orang lain sebelum nak diri sendiri di hargai.

Aku penat nak hadap satu-satu masalah. Aku lelah, aku pedih.

🍭 | @AkuFaham
Dulu aku pernah terlalu sayangkan orang, terlalu sanjungkan orang, terlalu protect orang, terlalu korbankan banyak masa dekat orang. End up, bila dah jadi dekat batang hidung sendiri baru aku tau manusia memang tak reti menghargai sebelum kehilangan.

🍭 | @AkuFaham
2024/09/28 19:33:34
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