That would be lead to provide more benefits when accessing your Telegram chat from different devices you have. There are times when we know our close ones studying, sleeping, or attending meetings, but we want to send some messages without disturbing them. Well, there is a feature called Silent Messages on Telegram. Basically, you can send messages and it will not make any sound or vibration even if the recipient has not turned on DND. Thatβs great, right? So to use this feature, type out your message and then tap and hold the βsendβ button. Here, choose βSend without soundβ and you are done. Animated Emojis
You can quickly find Premium Stickers from all your packs in a dedicated section of your sticker panel, below 'Recently Used'. Telegram Attachment Options Improved Chat Previews on Android Telegram is one of the feature-packed messaging services out there, armed with some neat perks that can put rivals like WhatsApp and Signal to shame when it comes to functionality. While basic Telegram features like the ability to edit messages after sending them are well known, here are some lesser-known, yet incredibly useful things the app can do that could come in quite handy.
Just like we can share videos with a pre-defined timestamp of YouTube videos, we can do the same thing on Telegram as well. For example, if you are sending a long video and want the user to play it from a specific timestamp say, 1:20, you can just type check the reaction at 1:20 in the video caption. Now when the user taps on the highlighted 1:20 link, the video plays from that particular timestamp. This is a helpful tip for users who send videos on Telegram regularly. Live Location Sharing Adaptive (Android) or Automatic (iOS): The mode will automatically switch based on the light level around you; you can define the threshold. Schedule Messages
Then choose Change Number and follow the instructions. This will move all messages, clients, and media to your new mobile number. Plus, Telegram will automatically add your new number in the address books of all your contacts. Is Telegram free?
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