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Premium Voice-to-Text This update brings improved chat previews on par with iOS. Now you can scroll through them to view the whole chat without marking it as read. New buttons have been added to let you mark the chat as read, mute it, pin it or delete it. Telegram users will now be able to press and hold any items in the list to reorder them and change their priority – downloading the top file first.

Copy a Part of Text from a Message Lock Your Conversations To do this, long-press on a picture you have sent. Choose the ‘Edit’ button on the top, just like you’d edit a text message once you have sent it. Now, you will get an in-built photo editor where you can add filters, draw or crop images. Alternatively, you can even replace the picture and send another one in its place. Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ.

The option to automatically save media to Gallery is back with renewed vigor: saving media can now be enabled and disabled separately for chats with users, groups or channels. Improved External Sharing on iOS Telegram Night Mode Schedule Slow Mode

The cool features of Telegram aren't all so serious, though. Check out how to make your own Telegram stickers if emojis aren't enough. Customize Telegram App Icons


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